5 Ways to Make Money Using Digital and Tech in the Philippines

A monthly salary usually isn’t enough to have a comfortable life. This is the reason why having “rackets” or “side hustles” is important. It allows you to be more productive and it generates more money for you monthly versus just relying on your job. The money you earn is also dependent on how much time and effort you put into it. That said, here are 5 side hustles you can do today in the Philippines leveraging digital and technology.

1. Be a Grab or Uber Partner

If you have a car, you can apply to be a Grab or Uber driver partner. The great thing about this is that you’re your own boss. You can bring the car out during your free time or during certain windows where Uber/Grab pays more. You just have to bear with the insane Manila traffic but at least you’re getting paid for it.

How to Apply as an Uber Driver in the Philippines
How to Apply as a Grab Driver in the Philippines

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2.Be a Virtual Assistant

There are a lot of stories of Filipinos who have made a better life for themselves by becoming virtual assistants. This entails helping out clients, usually from other countries like the US or Europe, to do different kind of tasks for them online. I did this myself when I was younger and did PowerPoint presentations for a few executives in the UK and the US. It’s a great way to augment your income.

You can read more about this here.

3. Sell on Lazada

If you have products you can sell, you can do it via Lazada. They have millions of traffic daily. Think of it as joining a bazaar but instead of thousands of people daily, you have millions of potential buyers. To sell on Lazada you need to be an official business (either sole prop via DTI or company via SEC). You can read more about how to sell online Lazada in the Philippines here.

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4. Sell on OLX

This is probably the most underrated way to make more money. Take a look at your house and check which items you’re not using anymore. You can sell those to make money. Just take photos, make an account on OLX, list them, and wait for the buyers. Once you have a buyer, nego the price, sell, and then deliver or have them pick the item up. You’ll be surprised at how much cash you can make through this.

5. Make Your Own Online Store

Last, but definitely not the least, is to make your own online store. This used to cause hundreds of thousands of pesos to do but now you can just sign up an account at Shopify or Shopee and they have ready made templates and services (payment platform, COD, shipping) that you can take advantage of for a minimal fee monthly.

So there you go! 4 ways for you to make more money this Holiday season!

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