Home Inventor turns Used Cooking Oil into Biofuel

A home inventor from Davao has finally perfected the biofuel invention he started working on since 2003.

Davao-based Emiliano Quitiol calls the fuel additive the EFQ Bioforce.

Quitiol utilized used cooking oil as raw material for the production of EFQ Fuel and Oil Additive.

According to Quitiol, adding 1mL of his product to a liter of fuel will act on and rearrange the molecular structure of the conventional fuel into chain branching of hydrocarbon atoms. This allows more efficient fuel combustion and consequently reduces air pollution.

Quitiol already has three kinds of products, namely EFQ Bio Force Diesel Additive, EFQ Bio Speed Gasoline Additive, and EFQ BioPower Engine Oil Additive.

The Filipino inventor said he started working on the biofuel to solve the dilemma of proper disposal of used cooking oil.

“Fresh cooking oil, after several times of use, is considered a toxic substance and hazardous (to health),” Quitiol said.

His idea stemmed from his resolve to help curb pollution. He said his invention will eventually help restore bodies of water affected with spillage and contaminants that may pollute and destroy the habitat of marine life.

Quitiol won in the Department of Science and Technology (DOST)- National Invention Contest and Exhibit in 2014. Later, he availed himself of the Invention Based Enterprise Development Program of DOST- Technology Application and Promotions Institute. IBED is a program intended to encourage and transform innovations into a technology enterprise. It covers pilot production, field/market testing and formulation of systems and procedures in preparation for a larger production scale. The program also aims to build the capabilities of inventors to create businesses out of their inventions.

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