Mactan-Cebu International Airport (MCIA) won the much-coveted 2019 International Architecture Awards (IAA) for its unique eco-friendly Filipino-themed design.
Mactan-Cebu International Airport Terminal 2 emerged victorious in the Airports and Transportation Centres category of the oldest and largest global awards in the industry. The 12th edition of the International Architecture Awards recognized over 120 new buildings and urban planning projects from 31 nations in various categories. MCIA was one of the 5 honorees in the airport’s category.
The award-winning MCIA Terminal 2 is designed by architectural firm Integrated Design Associates which specializes in environment-friendly designs. The interior was designed by world-renowned Filipino architects and designers Kenneth Cobonpue, Budji Layug, and Royal Pineda.
The Philippine airport had previously received local and international awards for its unique and sustainable design as the world’s first resort airport terminal.
The Mactan-Cebu structure also received the Asia Pacific Medium Airport of the Year Award in 2018.
The International Architecture Awards 2019 will be conferred on the MCIA by
the Chicago Athenaeum International Museum and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies during a reception and gala dinner in front of the Acropolis in Greece on September 13.
Mactan-Cebu International Airport will next compete as a finalist in the World Architecture Festival to be held on December 4 – 6 in Amsterdam. MCIA Terminal 2 will compete with Jewel Changi Airport and the Istanbul Airport in the Completed Buildings-Transport category.
SEND congratulatory and good luck messages in the comments section below for Mactan-Cebu International Airport’s architecture team, raising the Philippine flag in international architectural competitions!
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