Why you should write a book even if you’re not a writer

Ninety percent of people would love to write a book one day but only a fraction of those actually do.

I’ve written 3 books, I’m currently writing my fourth one. One of the best decisions I made for my career was to write a book.

At the time that I wrote my first book I have the exact same false belief that many people have; that they’re not a writer.

The truth is, everyone is a writer.

Everyone is a communicator.

We live in the age right now where we don’t even have to write down. You can actually create an audio of your book and get someone to convert it into words for you.

Becoming an author will change the game for you. So I highly recommend, to let go of the false beliefs, the same false beliefs that I had; that you’re not a writer, you’re not good enough to write a book.

Everyone has a book in them.

I believe it will be one of the best things you’ll do for your career.

And if you have a personal wisdom in that book that you want to pass on to future generations so we can continuously improve and make this world a better place.
So start your book project today!

This advice is lifted from Mike Grogan’s series of advice. For comments, suggestions and reactions, contact Mike @mikegrogan.ph.

(Mike Grogan is an international speaker and best-selling author who believes in the Genius of the Pinoy. As a leadership coach, Irish native Mike has traveled to 39 countries around the world but he believes that there is something very special about the Filipino. Today he works as a consultant for People Dynamics, where he travels across the Philippines inspiring, empowering and motivating Pinoys every week to become World-Class and believe in the Filipino Dream.)

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Mike Grogan
Mike Grogan is an international speaker and best-selling author who believes in the Genius of the Pinoy. As a leadership coach, Irish native Mike has traveled to 39 countries around the world but he believes that there is something very special about the Filipino. Today he works as a consultant for People Dynamics, where he travels across the Philippines inspiring, empowering and motivating Pinoys every week to become World-Class and believe in the Filipino Dream