Filipinos one of the World’s top charity work volunteers

Filipinos rank 7th as the world’s most giving people in terms of volunteering time, according to the Charities Aid Foundation.

The CAF World Giving Index 2017 released in September indicated that the Philippines ranked among the Top 10 countries people volunteering time in 2016, in proportion to its population. It ranked 14th overall in the same category.

The country’s ranking was measured in the 2018 CAF report which presents data over a five year period (2012-2016) from 139 countries.

The United Kingdom-based foundation looks at three aspects of giving behaviour. The questions that lie at the heart of the report are:

  • Have you done any of the following in the past month?
  • Helped a stranger, or someone you didn’t know who needed help?
  • Donated money to a charity?
  • Volunteered your time to an organisation?

The aim of the CAF World Giving Index is to provide insight into the scope and nature of giving around the world.

“The questions that make up the Index focus on the universal – do we give money or time or do we help strangers in need. It confounds traditional views of the link between wealth and generosity, confirming what we all surely know: that giving is about spirit and inner motivation, not about financial means,” explained Sir John Low, Chief Executive of CAF United Kingdom.

Low also declared that the trend of countries giving more of their money and time indicates a rising of living standards.

“But what is clear is that across fast developing countries the potential for giving is on the rise.

People across the world are becoming employed, wealth is starting to spread, and millions of people are enjoying rising living standards and disposable income,” said Low. The Philippines ranked 54 th overall in the CAF World Giving Index.

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The Good News Pilipinas Team
The Good News Pilipinas Team is a group of Filipino journalists who advocate putting more good news stories about the Philippines and Filipinos on the media.