HomeGood AdviceDo Not Wait For Success

Do Not Wait For Success

Chinkee Tan
Chinkee Tan

Are you still waiting for your big break?

Are you growing weary of waiting for success to come your way?

Have you done everything that you can to meet your goal to become successful?

There are times when we want success to happen overnight.

There are moments when you feel tired of having to work every single day.

It has become tiresome to wait and it is already becoming a burden.

But every successful person will tell you that they did not wait for success to come. They will tell you that they worked really hard to achieve it. They worked their best to achieve their dreams of becoming successful. They sacrificed and sweated it out. They did not take any short cuts.

Allow me to share with you some tips to help keep you from getting tired and losing hope from waiting:


The word “work” is a verb, an action word. This means that we need to move to action if we want to achieve success.

We cannot leave it to fate and wait for it to happen. Neither can we leave it up to other people while we sit in a corner for success. Success doesn’t come that way.

We also can’t just keep on brainstorming and analyzing the possibilities. Success won’t come just by talking about it, without working at it.

You need to GET UP and DO something to achieve your goal.

Success is like a car. You won’t get anywhere with the car without starting the engine. You, too, can’t get to you goal unless you act on it and move toward it.


We sometimes fail to act because we tend to set standards that are too high and impossible for us to achieve. So we end up being overwhelmed and frustrated. It is ok to THINK BIG, but be willing to START SMALL. Taking small realistic steps towards our goals is easier and more achievable.

For instance, if you want to become a triathlete, you don’t do a 3.8K swim, 180K bike, and 42.195K run on day one. You have to train and start small. You can train every other day doing a 3K run, then alternate it with 10K biking and then you can swim 1K on weekends.

Just don’t do everything at once because you cannot succeed in any of the goals that way. Sooner or later your body will break down because of the over strenuous training.

So it is with our goals. We have to be reminded that we are not superheroes, that we cannot do everything all at once. We need to take small realistic steps to achieve our goals.

There is a lot of work to do on the way toward success, not just talking about it nor thinking about it. We need to act toward it, with small but realistic and meaningful steps.


You don’t wait for success. You need to work for it.

How? By working on small but realistic and meaningful steps toward the success we desire.

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Chinkee Tan
Chinkee Tanhttps://chinkeetan.com/
Chinkee Tan is a top Filipino motivational speaker, wealth and life coach whose goal is to inform, educate, motivate, and disturb. His vision is to help people become financially-literate and debt-free. For more info about Chinkee Tan, please visit his fan page at FB, Twitter and Instagram. Also follow VIBER PUBLIC CHAT GROUP search chinkee tan, and VISIONCHINKEE on You Tube for more news and encouragements.

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