Tag: Money

5 Top Reasons Why People Face Obstacles in Handling Money

Handling money is very challenging. Strange, the more we make, the more we spend. It is not a walk in the park most especially if you are targeting to raise an amount to secure a good future. It entails a lot of hard work and perseverance.

2 Steps to Become An Effective Financial Manager

In my year of counselling people in handling their money, one of the greatest challenges is to be CONSISTENT.

4 Steps to Becoming Financially Disciplined

Establishing an effective form of DISCIPLINE when it comes to money is HARD. Sometimes we second-guess ourselves. Sometimes we get tempted. And most of the time we will disappoint ourselves. But the real key to building...

4 Damaging Consequences of Financial Stress

FINANCIAL STRESS is a real life experience for most of us. We have bills we can barely keep up with. We are neck deep in debt. Our personal relationships are starting to feel the blow...

3 Tips On How Successful People Embrace Discipline

Not everybody loves DISCIPLINE. It’s hard. It’s exhausting. It goes against everything in your body and your mind that wants to just take things easy. In short, it is a barrier between you and your occasional desire...

Do You Have A Spare Tire or Emergency Fund?

As we now prepare ourselves for an extended vacation during this Lenten season break. Many will travel by land to visit their own loved ones. It will be wise if we check the safety...

Think Long-Term

Here are a few points as to why long-term thinking is a must in investing and why you should stick to a long-term mindset: 1. It determines your investment objective People invest in various investment instruments...

Is it Time to Teach Your Kids About Money?

Question: Hi Randell. I’m a mom of two kids—a 3-year-old girl and a 4-month-old baby. I know that they’re still too young to understand what money is, but my husband suggested that we already...

3 Steps On How To Be Successful Risk-Takers

Are you afraid to take risks? Don't worry. That is normal. Sometimes I have to ask myself that question too. But I am also a firm believer of the teaching that sometimes we have to take...

3 Steps to Start Saving and Enjoying Your Money

Q: I READ your ‘5 finance things millennials should do’ article from before, but I’m worried that concentrating on saving and investing won’t leave me any money to have any fun with. What do...

5 Myths Uncovered About Money

According to Wikipedia, “A myth is a traditional story consisting of events that are ostensibly historical, though often supernatural, explaining the origins of a cultural practice or natural phenomenon. The word "myth" is derived...

10 Tips on How Savings Money Made Me a Better Person

I am thankful and grateful that my parents really taught me how to save money. But it wasn’t really pleasant when I was starting. It seems like I felt deprived of so many things...
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